Source code for padasip.misc.error_evaluation

.. versionadded:: 0.7

Implemented functions:

* **Mean absolute error** (MAE, also  known as MAD - mean absolute deviation)

  :math:`\\textrm{MAE}=\\frac{1}{n} \sum _{i=1}^{n}(e_{i})`.

* **Mean squared error** (MSE, also known as MSD)

  :math:`\\textrm{MSE}=\\frac{1}{n} \sum _{i=1}^{n}(e_{i})^{2}`.

* **Root-mean-square error** (RMSE, also known as RMSD)

  :math:`\\textrm{RMSE} = \\sqrt{\\textrm{MSE}}`.

* **Logarithmic squared error** (returns a vector of values in dB!)

  :math:`\\textbf{logSE} = 10 \log_{10} (\\textbf{e}^{2})`

all functions are often used for evaluation of an error rather than just
the error itself or its mean value.

Usage instructions

For MAE evaluation from two time series use

.. code-block:: python

    mse = pa.misc.MAE(x1, x2)

If you have the error already calculated, then just

.. code-block:: python

    mse = pa.misc.MAE(e)

The same instructions apply for the MSE, RMSE a logarithmic squared error

.. code-block:: python

    mse = pa.misc.MSE(x1, x2)
    rmse = pa.misc.RMSE(x1, x2)
    logse = pa.misc.logSE(x1, x2)

and from error

.. code-block:: python

    mse = pa.misc.MSE(e)
    rmse = pa.misc.RMSE(e)
    logse = pa.misc.logSE(e)

Minimal working examples

In the following example is estimated MSE for two series
(:code:`x1` and :code:`x1`):

.. code-block:: python

    import numpy as np
    import padasip as pa

    x1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    x2 = np.array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
    mse = pa.misc.MSE(x1, x2)

You can easily check that the printed result :code:`8.0` is correct MSE for
given series.

The following example displays, that you can use directly the error series
:code:`e` if you already have it.

.. code-block:: python

    import numpy as np
    import padasip as pa

    # somewhere else in your project
    x1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    x2 = np.array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
    e = x1 - x2
    # you have just the error - e
    mse = pa.misc.MSE(e)

Again, you can check the correctness of the answer easily.

Code Explanation
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_valid_error(x1, x2=-1): """ Function that validates: * x1 is possible to convert to numpy array * x2 is possible to convert to numpy array (if exists) * x1 and x2 have the same length (if both exist) """ # just error if isinstance(x2, int) and x2 == -1: try: e = np.array(x1) except: raise ValueError('Impossible to convert series to a numpy array') # two series else: try: x1 = np.array(x1) x2 = np.array(x2) except: raise ValueError('Impossible to convert one of series to a numpy array') if not len(x1) == len(x2): raise ValueError('The length of both series must agree.') e = x1 - x2 return e
[docs]def logSE(x1, x2=-1): """ 10 * log10(e**2) This function accepts two series of data or directly one series with error. **Args:** * `x1` - first data series or error (1d array) **Kwargs:** * `x2` - second series (1d array) if first series was not error directly, then this should be the second series **Returns:** * `e` - logSE of error (1d array) obtained directly from `x1`, or as a difference of `x1` and `x2`. The values are in dB! """ e = get_valid_error(x1, x2) return 10*np.log10(e**2)
[docs]def MAE(x1, x2=-1): """ Mean absolute error - this function accepts two series of data or directly one series with error. **Args:** * `x1` - first data series or error (1d array) **Kwargs:** * `x2` - second series (1d array) if first series was not error directly, then this should be the second series **Returns:** * `e` - MAE of error (float) obtained directly from `x1`, or as a difference of `x1` and `x2` """ e = get_valid_error(x1, x2) return np.sum(np.abs(e)) / float(len(e))
[docs]def MSE(x1, x2=-1): """ Mean squared error - this function accepts two series of data or directly one series with error. **Args:** * `x1` - first data series or error (1d array) **Kwargs:** * `x2` - second series (1d array) if first series was not error directly, then this should be the second series **Returns:** * `e` - MSE of error (float) obtained directly from `x1`, or as a difference of `x1` and `x2` """ e = get_valid_error(x1, x2) return, e) / float(len(e))
[docs]def RMSE(x1, x2=-1): """ Root-mean-square error - this function accepts two series of data or directly one series with error. **Args:** * `x1` - first data series or error (1d array) **Kwargs:** * `x2` - second series (1d array) if first series was not error directly, then this should be the second series **Returns:** * `e` - RMSE of error (float) obtained directly from `x1`, or as a difference of `x1` and `x2` """ e = get_valid_error(x1, x2) return np.sqrt(, e) / float(len(e)))
[docs]def get_mean_error(x1, x2=-1, function="MSE"): """ This function returns desired mean error. Options are: MSE, MAE, RMSE **Args:** * `x1` - first data series or error (1d array) **Kwargs:** * `x2` - second series (1d array) if first series was not error directly, then this should be the second series **Returns:** * `e` - mean error value (float) obtained directly from `x1`, or as a difference of `x1` and `x2` """ if function == "MSE": return MSE(x1, x2) if function == "MAE": return MAE(x1, x2) if function == "RMSE": return RMSE(x1, x2) raise ValueError('The provided error function is not known')