Source code for signalz.generators.sinus

.. versionadded:: 0.1

This function generates sinus waves with given period, amplitude and offset.
It is also possible to use delay defined in samples to crop the first wave.

Example Usage

Simple example

.. code-block:: python

    N = 200 # number of samples
    x = signalz.sinus(N)

Function Documentation
import numpy as np

[docs]def sinus(n, period=100, amplitude=2, offset=0, delay=0): """ Sinus waves generator. **Args:** * `n` - length of the output data (int) - how many samples will be on output **Kwargs:** * `period` - length of one sinus wave period (1 / frequency) * `amplitude` - difference between minimal and maximal value of waves * `offset` - mean value (float) * `delay` - how many samples should be croped from first wave (does not influence full length of data) **Returns:** * vector of sinus waves (1d array) """ t = np.arange(n) + delay return np.sin(t*2*np.pi/float(period))*0.5*amplitude + offset